When Should You Destroy Archives and Files?

In dit blogartikel bespreken we de optimale tijden en methoden voor het vernietigen van documenten in België, inclusief de wettelijke bewaartermijnen en hoe je dit veilig kunt doen. Inhoudsopgave 1. Begrijp de Wettelijke Bewaartermijnen 2. Jaarlijkse Schoonmaak 3. Veilige Vernietiging 4. Digitale Documenten 5. Conclusie   1 Begrijp de Wettelijke Bewaartermijnen Voordat je documenten vernietigt, […]

4 Ways to Destroy Confidential Documents

When it's time to destroy old documents, it's important to choose a method that is both safe and efficient. Below we discuss the last four methods from the previous list, with their pros and cons, and give each a rating based on effectiveness, safety and environmental friendliness. Table of Contents Water with Chemicals […]

Archive destruction: How to safely destroy documents

Proper destruction of sensitive documents and archives is essential for data protection and the environment. Incorrect handling can pose major risks. Here we highlight the importance of professional document destruction to meet legal requirements, save space and provide security. As well as why entrusting this task to professionals, like JunkBrothers, can provide peace of mind. Table of contents […]


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